

Teaching Kids Cryptography With Python

9:15 AM–10:15 AM Jun 12, 2019 (US - Mountain)

Castles 3 and 4


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You will learn how to teach cryptography programming using the Python programming language, and a book that was written for this purpose. You will need to bring your own laptop equipped with Python 2.5 or 3.7. Additionally, you will need to use Pycharm Edu (You can download it for free here ( You will learn the following topics: (1) Writing Python code to create monoalphabetic, polyalphabetic, additive, and (if there is time) additive/multiplicative ciphers, (2) How some very basic ciphers work, and (3) How to decrypt what you have encrypted. Additionally, you will be introduced to a wonderful Interactive Development Environment (IDE) called Pycharm Edu. It is manufactured by a European company called JetBrains. JetBrains also wrote a fabulous Java IDE called IntelliJ IDEA (which is also free for teachers). IntelliJ is the IDE that Google selected for the most recent iteration of their Android Studio Development Kit (ADK).

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